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 Fragment #46 - Free period

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Fragment #46 - Free period Empty
MessageSujet: Fragment #46 - Free period   Fragment #46 - Free period Empty05.01.09 14:28

Wednesday, September 17th 2008
In Glasgow

"I don't know why we have a French assistant. We already have you, that's enough with native speakers. We'd better have a Spanish assistant..."

Bénédicte just left the staff room and Allison is getting back on the fact the school should also have a Spanish assistant. But there is only one departement for both French and Spanish, and they are still more French teachers so... We exchange a bit about the pupils, stirring our tea and milk to cool it down. Our free period is the same today, and we have the staff room just for the two of us. We will have to go back to our classroom soon, and work a bit, prepare next classes but for now, we have a few minutes to exchange girly gossip. We actually bonded since last year's Seville trip, and it's been nice to see her again when back to work. We've been organizing a few staff nights out, and the atmosphere is warming up in the departement, which is quite nice. She gets back to Bénédicte.

"She looks nice. Did you have time to talk to her yet". Not really... Not that I really wanted to. "Tell her about next Thursday night. It will be nice for her. I remember when i was an assistant in Spain, the teachers were so cold to me... I don't want her to believe we don't want to know her! And it will be a chance to chat". Okay So I'll have to talk to her in the end. But Allison is right: she definitly looks like a nice and interesting person after all...

I was going to ask more about Thursday night, the place we are meant to go... But my mobile vibrates. A text. I read it, frown. Matthew... Who is Matthew again... Matthew!

I surely looks bewildered at that point, because Allison asks at once who and what it was... So I guess I have to tell her about Sat night, how it finished... Me asking Matthew – that was his name obviously – to leave... I don't tell her about the whole letter thing, it's over, and I know that to stop mentionning the ex over and over is the first step for moving on with your life. So... Matthew... Who didn't want to leave unless I give him my phone number, which I did in the end. I thought that was him being polite or something... Not a dating opportunity whatsoever!
"What does he say then?"
Something about a coffee, Friday night. Ashton Lane... I remember he mentionned he was living in the West End too.
"So what are you goin' to wear?"
She looked more excited than I am. I was going to argue, ask if it's a good idea... And then I realise. Whatever. He looked good, and maybe he is a nice guy, at least an okay date. And I need to go back on dating.
"I'm thinking, maybe some jeans, my blue loose top, nice shoes, something not too fancy, not too casual... It's just a coffee. And blue is a soft colour, I think it'll look nice..."
"It definitly matches your hair. You've been to the Hairdresser again, do you? Blond definitly suits you, I like this shade."
And so on, we spend our free period talking about dates and clothes...
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Fragment #46 - Free period
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