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 Fragment #54 - Where the scary part starts

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Fragment #54 - Where the scary part starts Empty
MessageSujet: Fragment #54 - Where the scary part starts   Fragment #54 - Where the scary part starts Empty05.01.09 14:44

Friday, October 31st 2008
in Glasgow

I'm still giggling from some joke Sean made. He seems to be a great guy for my sister. I like to know she is happy. I make my way to the bathroom, down the hall of Sarah's flat. I open the door, close it behind me, lay against it. My head is aching. Everything is swirling around me. Too much alcohol again. I see flashes of lights. It's hurting me. I close my eyes. I lay against the wall, slip and end up sitting on the tiled floor. It's cold. I close my eyes, I'm shivering, I'm just wearing a tiny pumpkin dress, I'm so cold...

I open my eyes, and it seems to me that there are people in this room, wearing scary halloween costumes. A vampire, tall, black hair, white skin, red lips, dark eyes, a black costume, a large cape... A ghost, just with a white sheet on the head, shattering chains making an awful crude noise. And a mad doctor, sitting on the tube's side. Ragged clothes, blond hair, an old white srub on him... But I recognize him. Adam, the English teacher from my school. And this vampire, it's Steven. He is talking, I don't get it, he looks at me, deep in my eyes. He is going to drink my blood to death. He is going to empty me, destroy my soul. What is he saying? The ghost comes closer, I can't stop shaking. The ghost is next to me now, he bent and his sheet covered face is now close to my face... He whispers in my ear. His breathing is giving me the creeps. I recognize the voice. It's Mike's. I listen to what he says... "You can never be happy. You will never ever fall in love again. You'll end up... all... alone." I start sobbing.
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Fragment #54 - Where the scary part starts
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