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 Fragment #105 - New Year's Dawn

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Fragment #105 - New Year's Dawn Empty
MessageSujet: Fragment #105 - New Year's Dawn   Fragment #105 - New Year's Dawn Empty05.01.09 15:05

Thursday, January 1st 2009
in Glasgow

A new year. With new challenges, and new joys. New people as well. Perhaps new pains, and maybe new problems. But still, a new page to continue the story of my life. A white page. A virginal page. But this one will be written by two hands. By Steve and me. I raise my left hand. The ring glitters in the morning light. I didn't believe that the human being can be fulled with so much happiness. I feel so lucky and privileged, even though my recent life has not been that heavenly. I'm going to get married and to have a baby! How's that for a new beginning?
A shadow passes. The face of Marc Rozia comes back in my memory. Tomorrow, I have to go to the police station. I have to give testimony. They didn't give me any news of any capture of THEM. Not that I really wanted to hear about it. But I must say that knowing that they actually caught them would have added to my happiness. Not that I think that this whole craziness will stop if they get arrested, but at least it would make some progress.
Steve puts his arms around me and watches with me the sun rising. We remain silent. That's one thing I particularly appreciate in Steve. We don't need to speak to communicate.

I'm back. And the sun is rising on Glasgow. Happy New Year, the world.
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Fragment #105 - New Year's Dawn
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