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 Fragment #32 – Take it Easy

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Fragment #32 – Take it Easy Empty
MessageSujet: Fragment #32 – Take it Easy   Fragment #32 – Take it Easy Empty04.01.09 22:53

Monday 7 April 2008
in London

With the weather, my hands are drying more and more. Jonathan tells me that when I caress him, it’s like being touched with rubber gloves. Thank you… I can’t help it, as my lips dry in the cold, and turn white leaving dead skins between my fingers as I stroke them, the palm of my hands have more and more wrinkles.
It seems the spiderweb of my future grows more and more complicated. Come on, I can’t have such a changing future. Why should my love line and life line grow dimmer and dimmer as my hands dry?
I don’t want my future to disappear; I want a perfect grasp of it. Hold my life in both hands!
I go to the bathroom and take an orange flask. Garnier bodycocoon. I put a nut in my palms and start rubbing them on one another. I can feel the moisture attacking every part of my skin, relieving the tissue from its tightness. My hands get hydrated and I smell the apricot making them smoother.
I rub around every finger, massage my palms. And my hands go to each others’ wrist, massaging, deeply the tissues, pressing the skin where it has to be pressed, rubbing to the bone.
It feels really relaxing, and I start to feel dizzy. I press my hands hard against one another, and get them closer to my nose, to smell them. My eyes close as the perfume enters my entire body.
All my muscles, tensed before, relax at once.
I feel good.
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Fragment #32 – Take it Easy
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