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 Fragment #20 - First day of the year

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Fragment #20 - First day of the year Empty
MessageSujet: Fragment #20 - First day of the year   Fragment #20 - First day of the year Empty01.01.10 22:51

Friday, January 1st 2010
in Glasgow

I put down my cup of tea, and look at my watch. It's half eight, and I really should get moving. I get up, put the cup in the sink and grab my jacket.
"It's a shame you have to go to work tonight."
"It's still better than having to work last night. I'm glad I didn't miss that dinner. Your soup was really good, and I loved that meal, hum, what do you call it again?"
"A fondue. The one we did last night is called bourguignonne because it's with meat. You can do it with cheese and then it's called savoyarde, or with water and fish, and it's a japanese one. And of course, you can do it with chocolate."
I get closer to her and hug her.
"Hum, I love it when you talk about food, it's sexy." I whisper before kissing her.
She laughs and says: "I could be talking about anything, you found anything sexy!"
"That's not true. I just find you and your accent a big turn on, that's all."
"Hum... Yeah... Now, stop talking or I'm really going to be late for work!"
"Ok, ok." We split and she walks to the little baby area we set on the carpet. She picks up Aidan who was gazing at the ceiling.
"Come on, Aidan, say goodbye to Daddy."
"Bye, son. Take care of your mum for me, will you?" He looks up to me and smile. God, I can't believe how much he's grown in six months... My little man. I kiss him on the forehead, and kiss his mum, again.
"Come on, Steve, you're going to be late. See you tomorrow morning."
"I love you honey."
"I love you."
I get to the door and after a last look at my two treasures, I finally go to work.
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Fragment #20 - First day of the year
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