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 Fragment #18 - French isn't easy

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MessageSujet: Fragment #18 - French isn't easy   Fragment #18 - French isn't easy Empty05.05.09 14:32

Sunday, 03rd of May, 2009
In Angoulême

I’m still clenching my teeth, two hours and a half later. Hell, we could have done so much better. Definitely not winning, they were just too good for us to stand a chance. But at least we could have put up a decent fight.
“Stop rehearsing the match in your big blonde head, bloody Irish! There is steam coming out of your ears and your nostrils. You played a hell of a game and you won us the third set. What’s wrong with you? They were over the hills and far away tonight. Let’s face it and be grateful you put up a great show. I wouldn’t be surprised if Lecat called you Monday morning to know if your contract with Angoulême is about to expire. That last point of yours was just amazing!”
Technically, the amazing one was Yuri who managed to set me the ball. But setter is quite a thankless job. You’re the focus point of the whole team but you’re not the one getting credit for the points. Unless you score them by yourself, but this is a pretty uncommon occasion. Technically… I really ought to stop talking like that. She’s coming back next week anyway.
I’m not really in the mood for celebrating. Maybe I should just relax. And get some drink!
We order beers and liquors, we dance. We have some fun, but I just can’t get myself into the party.
I draw back next to Catherine when the seats turn. She looks a bit drunk.
“Ethan! Tu tombes bien! Ton copain m’a dit que si tu étais sur le banc la moitié du match c’était parce que tu étais mauvais. C’est vrai?”
I aim for Stephane and throw him a peanut.
“Non, non! C’est parce que je suis middle hitter. Comme je saute… hum… all the time… Il faut que je… rest… un peu. Que je souffle, tu vois?”
“Mais pourquoi tu sautes tout le temps?”
“Parce que c’est mon job. Je dois… fix… le middle hitter de l’équipe opposite, pour pas qu’il puisse sauter aussi.”
Someone interrupts us. It’s Marie. I didn’t know she came too. Catherine must have drifted her. She looks a lot friendlier than the time we talked at the party, and it sure has something to do with the beer she’s still holding in her hand. Her cheeks are a gleaming shade of pink. It suits her well.
“On comprend pas bien quand tu parles Ethan! Cathy m’a dit que ça faisait deux ans que tu étais ici, comment ça se fait que ton français n’est pas meilleur?”
Good question.
“Oui, mais tu sais Marie, le français c’est pas facile, il y a les règles de langue que je comprends pas toujours. J’aimerais bien parler encore plus maintenant, mais la problème c’est il faut aller vite vite, et tout le monde veut parler l’anglais. Dans l’équipe on est trois qui est étranger. Et je suis beaucoup avec des anglophones.”
“Ben oui mais il faut faire des efforts. Il y a quand même plein de moyens de s’améliorer aisément si on y met du sien, même s’il faut pour cela un petit coup de pouce.”
She speaks too fast, and I’m sure she does it on purpose. Besides I know she speaks a quite good English, with a weird German accent though.
“Et qu’est-ce que tu comprends pas dans les règles ? La conjugaison, la grammaire ? Il faut juste que tu trouves quelqu’un pour t’expliquer, on a tous fait du français à l’école.”
Well, I didn’t…
“Ecoute, demain, je veux bien regarder avec toi quelques trucs qui te posent problème, avant que je rentre chez moi. Si ça peut t’aider… J’ai souvent fait ça avec une copine à moi, une Allemande. On va voir si t’es si nul que ça.”
I nod. That’s a good idea. She may give me lessons. I really should improve my French. She smiles at me, and all of a sudden the regrets of the wasted game return from the back of my head. I wish she saw me play under different circumstances.
Why does it matter anyway?

Marie #39
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MessageSujet: Re: Fragment #18 - French isn't easy   Fragment #18 - French isn't easy Empty05.05.09 19:12

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MessageSujet: Re: Fragment #18 - French isn't easy   Fragment #18 - French isn't easy Empty05.05.09 20:10

Yeahhhh they'll spend time together!! Isn't Marie a bit rough with him? And really nice fragment again, volley even sounds interesting to me, which means the fragment must be really really good
And "why does it matter"... Seriously, how can't he realize he actually finds the french girl interesting??
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MessageSujet: Re: Fragment #18 - French isn't easy   Fragment #18 - French isn't easy Empty05.05.09 23:03

Mesarthim a écrit:
Yeahhhh they'll spend time together!! Isn't Marie a bit rough with him? And really nice fragment again, volley even sounds interesting to me, which means the fragment must be really really good
And "why does it matter"... Seriously, how can't he realize he actually finds the french girl interesting??
Sometimes boys don't realize things right under their nose, and in the meantime, they're capable of making road movies of a simple smile.
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